Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oil by phone

We've all done it. Peered at the label on a can of oil, and desperately tried to remember if it matches what the handbook said before the dog ate the handbook. And then we just tip it into the engine anyway, secure in the knowledge that modern technology can sort it all out once it's in there. Can't it?

Well, no, it can't and that's why Castrol is now offering customers a Multi-Media Messaging service to show them which is the right oil for their car even when they're out buying it.

By texting the word OIL to 57778 motorists are able to select the make, model and engine type of their vehicle and receive a best oil recommendation and also for those that want maximum protection a trade-up suggestion. They also receive the corresponding pack shot image to make off-the-shelf selection even easier.

“The user experience is excellent. This is immediate and the recommendation comes back straight away. This means it can be used at point of purchase, which is good news for the consumer and the retailer,” said Rob Stroud, Castrol's Marketing Manager for Passenger Car Markets. “The result is that when a motorist buys their oil they are confident in knowing they have selected the right product that meets the specific requirements of their vehicle.”

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